MOOC Design 101- Week 013

 Наближава края на проектите и курса Design 1o1. Последните упражнения, както и първите ще се правят в движение. Започнах курса докато бях във Виена, а сега пък ми се наложи да пътувам до Белгия за няколко дни, но това не пречи да си завърша започналото, макар че,  признавам си, стори ми се доста продължително и изключително ангажиращо времето занимание.

 Day 85. Monday quiz
No Home Work #085- Pattern Cutting
Complete the quiz and prepare yourself for the week!

Day 86. 
Home Work #86- Skin Weaving will plan, draw, make a full scale paper model of your future “dress”...

Me: I am not sure what will come out of it, but i can try...

Day 87.
Home Work #087- Welcome to the Bazaar will handpick your fabric.
From a rainbow of colours, select a purple-hued fabric to make your purple garment....

Me: The purple is not my favorite color, but I'll combine with snow white chiffon which I'm going to self-painted by textile markers... Let's see

Day 88.
Home Work #88- Sinking Into the Ocean will document the making of your dress.
Make a how-to, a “pattern” for others to use...

Day 89.
Home Work #89-Brave Bold Obvious will make a photo shoot.
Find the right playlist to get you in the right mood...
Then, once you have your shots, go to, and post your best picture for the world to see... Only one, that’s all you need to make others fall into your fantasy world...

Day 90.
No Home Work #90- Vintage Vogue
... relax flip through the pages of a fashion magazine, online or offline.
Free your imagination to the pretty pictures and beautifully crafted illusions.

Day 91.
No Home Work #91- My Little Black Mesh Dress 
...we relax and catch up on the week’s homework...

All photos by @100 decors

MOOC Design 101- Week 010- Making Things 
MOOC Design 101- Week 011- Telling Stories
MOOC Design 101- Week 012- Road to Nowhere


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